Sunday, October 28, 2012

Daily looks : simply pink

it's been a loooooonnnggggg time not post here hehehe ^^
It's so a busy time last day 
so many thing I would share here
but my head just feel blank and don't know what I'll tell you here haha
something like complicated :p

so, i'll just showin' some my daily look
or it can be my daily freaky face look :p

Here you are

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Style : Purplie Bluish ^^

Assalamualaikum :D
voilaaa !! gini nih kalo lagi stress ama tugas - tugas numpuk jadi berhasrat bloging dan tugas terbengkalai hehe
pusing banget mikir tingkat akhir ni bukan malah santai malah kebut :(

and here you are some of inspiration from my MOSHAICT edisi 6 :D
enjoy it !!
NB : Belum ada tutorial menyusul yaa

Hope you enjoy it <3
don't forget to follow me @shirlyrezky :)
let's be friends 

wassalamualaikum :)